No burn-out issues among hunder-gatherers
One in ten Belgians feels unhappy in their job every day, but doesn’t dare to change. One out of five young doctors is struggling with burnout.” One in three Flemish parents sometimes experiences feelings of 'parental burnout.’” These are just a few headlines that can...

How To Rewild Your Christmas Gifts
White Christmas Yes I do admit. since December the first, although in Belgium the probability is only about 7%, I have been dreaming of a white Christmas. Not only that, I also look forward to the celebrations with beloved ones, family members, colleagues and...

Rewilding in the middle of urban sprawl
Becoming a Hunter-Gatherer A couple of years ago, my former (and last) employer came into difficult financial waters, sending my head spinning with plans for some kind of alternate career. But I knew that the time had come to put all my projects, adventures, skills,...

Dare to say goodbye to your toothpaste
When on the path towards self-sufficiency, almost all the products you consume can become an object of analysis: hygienic, cleansing, cosmetic, food, and clothing products ... why do you purchase them? If they are of no real necessity, then the goal is to stop using...

Rewilding? WTH is that?
Some years ago, I discovered the word “rewilding” and Rewilding Europe’s definition of it: “Rewilding ensures natural processes and wild species play a much more prominent role in the land- and seascapes, meaning that after initial support, nature is allowed to take...

The Rewilding Lessons of Fly Fishing
SHEER LUCK Last Saturday I went fishing. No big deal, indeed. Many people fish, and hunter-gatherers have been doing it for thousands of years. But I was fortunate to learn fly fishing from a pro, Clément Magos, who was willing to be my fishing coach. Clément has been...

Why Diet When You Can Rewild?
Danny, one of my best friends since childhood had put on weight … a lot of weight ! We hadn’t seen each other much lately, but every time we met, it caused me pain to see him in this state. He had been an athletic tennis player for years, now he could barely move and,...

Pedro Ampuero: Meat doesn’t grow on plastic trays !”
A few weeks ago, my wife and I went to the first European Congress of Bowhunting in Brussels, organised by the Flemish Bowhunting Association and the Belgian Bowhunting Fedeation. There we had the chance to talk with Pedro Ampuero, recognized international expert on...

Rewilding Your Office
More and more people are “nine-to-fivers” – they have office jobs that take up their entire weekdays. That is a lot of time to be spending in one place! Office technology has changed lots, but what about the environment in which employees spend most of their day?...

MovNat Coaching From The Best
My workout was different today. With every jump, crawl or climbing move I did, I all came back: base of support, points of support, your friend gravity, unconscious competence, timing and sequence. As an explorer and rewilding lifestyle coach, I move a lot. I do so in...